Tuesday 11 March 2014

Planes going missing... in flight?!

Malaysian flight MH370 disappeared mid-flight with 239 passengers with crew on board Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Is it just me or does this scare the living shit out of anyone?

You think with our times today, where we can buy 'spy gear' on Amazon and get teddies with camcorders in them to 'protect our children' (When we basically want to see if we're getting our money’s worth from our babysitters.) we wouldn't be able to lose an entire aircraft mid-flight.

But somehow this has actually happened.

No distress call was made from the aircraft and as of right now. No wreckage has been found. So this begs the question: Where is flight MH370?

Coverage of these horrifying turn of events has been incredibly calm from the BBC and for me, that’s even scarier. How can the BBC be so calm when a large aircraft has just disappeared into thin air? It's covered as the normal news day feature, but I’m pretty sure no aircraft has gone missing mid-flight since ‘09. Especially for someone like me, who is petrified of flying I'd expect some kind of... urgency in the broadcast; or at least more of a feeling that they're desperate to at least know what happened to the flight. Good or bad.

Recent stories about the flight have led to suggest the flight may be a subject to a terrorist attack, where two of the plane's passengers were travelling on previously reported stolen passports. But that has recently been ruled to just be illegal migration. On all formats of modern media everyone has brought in an expert for them to just scratch their head, umm and errr for a bit and then conclude with an “I don’t know.”

What I want to see is more compassion across the media. From everything I’ve watched with fear in my eyes, barely any of the media packages include interviews with the families of people lost in the flight and their opinions. No compassion, no sympathy, no voice for those affected.

Regardless for all of this, if I wasn’t scared of flying, I definitely am now.

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