Tuesday 25 March 2014

Oh no! Not another blog post about cats and the internet!

Help me I sound like every other blogger out there moaning about people finding cats looking silly funny. Nope.  I actually enjoy this internet cat culture we've created for ourselves.

The Egyptians had their worshipping of cats, and now we've got ours. Ours is just funnier, cuter (or whatever you wanna call it.) Regardless, we're worshipping cats in our own way.

Maybe thats what the cats want, maybe the cats created the internet with the knowledge that they will be celebrated by the millions of internet users, and i'm not even talking about the obvious cat owner users.

You think i'm wrong? We have cat celebrities on the internet now. I can name three of these celebricats right now without even having to open google to research some. Grumpy cat, Nyan Cat & Lil Bub (I don't even open google for those, honest.)
Close your eyes now and test yourself to see how many cats you can name without having to google them. Theres hundreds of these celebricats and even more 'upcoming' celebricats. Just like normal celebrities, but these have two more legs, a lot more furrier and damn straight a lot more cuter.

I admit I am part of this online cat culture and i've bought into it. Grumpy cat for me is probably one of the best things ever. I have countless photos of her saved onto my laptop and I even have the official grumpy cat book and a t-shirt. Best part is, I don't even care if you're judging me about it right now. I just find it too damn funny. 

Grumpy cat came into the spotlight in 2012 through a post on reddit. The internet exploded with photos of this cat and funny captions to accompany the image. The cat looks grumpy due to feline dwarfism, and has been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, and on the cover of New York Magazine.

Its not even just with photos, people are starting to be able to live off the money that they're making off of the cat videos they're posting on Youtube. Some cat videos have millions upon millions of views and counting. Last year in the US there was even an internet cat video festival in Minnesota, which celebrated some of the most viewed viral cat videos. There even was a Golden Kitty award for the best cat video which went to the video Henri 2, Paw de Deux.

This is a new form of socialisation between all of us online. We share funny cat videos/ photos with each other, to have a laugh and to cure boredom. This is a way to break the ice with friends and can cheer you up if you're having a bad day. Even people who don't own a cat and have no intention of ever owning a cat, cannot deny they have not laughed at a single cat meme or video. I am definitely all for this cat culture, even though my favourite cat is the grumpiest of them all. 

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