Sunday 16 February 2014

World of Warcraft and Me.

I'll admit it, I play World of Warcraft. I have done since its release in 2004, but somehow i've achieved the inevitable. I've got a social life and gotten into Uni. I don't even know how I managed that one. (And I don't even want to think about how much money i've given Blizzard in the long run.)

Before I go into how the game is like heroin let me briefly explain what it is. World of Warcraft (or WoW for short.) Is an online MMORPG, (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.) The basic bones of game consists of two factions fighting against each other, The Horde vs The Alliance. You pick your faction, race and class and then your good to go in the game. You level up by gaining experience from killing monsters, which provides you better spells and gear to defeat higher level monster which gives you better loot and more experience.

To explain the game like that, it really doesn't sound that appealing and quite repetitive, but I don't know. This game is like heroin to me. I can't just play for an hour. Oh no no no, if I decide i'm going to log on I have to clear my diary for the next two weeks. You could say i'm a WoW Junkie.

An example of this would be last summer. I just got the recent expansion, Mists of Pandaria and I was so excited to play through it that when I got the expansion, I didn't leave my pit of a bedroom for two weeks. I didn't pick up my phone, I didn't see my friends, I didn't go out and enjoy the sunshine, hell I don't even think my mum knew I was alive.

Theres something about that game that makes you want to be the best person on there, theres always going to be a guy on there that you want to kill, a new mount you absolutely need, some epic gear that you know your character will look good in or something silly like a pug companion. (Which I have may I add, it took me hours to get it.) It lures you into its grasps and you hate yourself when you realise how many hours you spent to get a pug in game.

I won't shout and scream from the rooftops that I play WoW because I know people's opinions of the game and I know it isn't a positive one. But WoW is the game for me. I don't care how "nerdy" that makes me. I like running around as a level 90 Night Elf Hunter and i'm pretty sure I wouldn't like doing what some other people like doing.

Regardless, I still have a social life, I hang out with friends, I go drinking and I even manage to make it to parties. But when spring time comes and the new expansion does drop. You guys aren't going to see me for two weeks.

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