Friday 7 February 2014

I have a Mental Complex with illegal downloads.

Illegal downloading, at some point we've all done it. Or at least attempted to do it.

For some of us who don't have that guilty conscious and don't mind ripping off the artist they will repeatedly download songs, albums and even entire discographies. Admittedly I've had my fun doing so; but when you have a mental complex of having to own every single album on your iPod and living on a student budget, you've got to get your music fix from somewhere.

But before you point your gun at me, I do actually buy albums, and the odd single on iTunes (If the price of the single isn't the exceeding the price of a Maccies.) Say for instance the last album I bought was You Me At Six's new album 'Cavalier Youth', which is a superb album and I highly recommend if anyone is thinking of buying. I do buy albums when I'm sure I'm going to enjoy the album and I know I'm going to get my full money’s worth. Albums aren't cheap these days! That £12 I spent is a night out for me.

I know what your thinking,

"Why not use Spotify before you buy the album?!"

Spotify is decent if you're checking out an old album, but Spotify isn't strictly up to date with new releases which most of the time is what I'm more about. Another thing is the adverts! 3 songs and you get about 30 adverts about Spotify advertising itself, I'm here to listen to music! Not Adverts! If I wanted people to try and sell me pointless stuff I can go watch Bid TV.

So, do you see my dilemma? That’s why I turned into becoming an online music stealing vigilante. But don’t get me wrong I do give money to the artists. I go to as many gigs as possible and buy merch when I’m there.

I am the masked villain of illegal downloads and I suggest you don’t follow in my footsteps and support artists, but if you’re as poor as I am, join the vigilante club.   

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