Thursday 5 November 2015

Lets Talk Periods: The Tampon Tax

Lets talk about one of the ancient taboos. Periods.  More specifically the sanitary products that women are required to purchase at some point of every month, so they can go out and function as a member of society. 

If you ask any women these products are essential, so why are women forced to pay the additional 5% "luxury tax" for items which are sanitary and are no way a luxury. I wasn't aware that my painful monthly periods are a luxury?

Then why did the House of Commons reject the motion of abolishing the 5% tax, (305 votes to 287 if you want to know) on women's health products. However, while women are taxed for having a uterus, male "essential" items such as razors remain untaxed? If men were cursed with the burden of periods I wouldn't be writing this article. 

David Cameron has attempted to defend this rejection by stating that, this tax is not enforced by the UK and is by the EU which is difficult to "overthrow". Which just sounds like an half-assed excuse from a teenager who didn't want to clean their room, or is this part of Cameron's wider plan get disgruntled women to vote against staying in the EU so they don't have to pay extra for tampons.

While this topic screams inequality towards women, on the 15th October French MP's voted against overthrowing the tax on sanitary products purely because the french government didn't want to lose the tax revenue which is €55 Million (£40 Million). Which is something to think about, if a woman is on minimum wage she will have to work 38 days to pay for a years supply of sanitary products. 

So do the government consider a lack of female voice as an opportunity to treat us as bloody cash cows? But what about women who can't afford a meal let alone a 'luxury item' to help prevent them getting hazardous infections. 

But what do I know? I'm probably on my period, right? 

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